Advanced Services is leader in the removal business since 40 years.
Advanced Services is leader in the removal business since 40 years; it employs highly qualified and selected staff, which ensures the highest care in storage, disassembling and assembling furniture in order to make your place both cozy and soon comfortable. Advanced Services is specialized in offices’ removals as well. Planning of schedule, disassembling and assembling of furniture, removals of electronic equipment, packing of paper material and its potential placement in a predetermined order. Hardware clearance: our company, in addition to all the necessary authorizations, possesses the needed expertise to make it specialized and reliable. Thanks to our means of transport and regularly employed staff, we guarantee a quick and effective way of working, proper garbage disposal and the respect of law.

Insurance service
Advanced Services offers to its customers the possibility of subscribing full insurance packages on the value of transported material. The insurance is subscribed with a company we have since long worked with.